Updated 30th Nov 2007, 1.13amThe leading English Language broadsheet daily newspaper in India, The Times of India has come out with an exclusive pullout covering special news, reviews, blog updates, opinion poll, videos and articles of the recent Hindraf mass rally in Malaysia.The newspaper which has the widest circulation among all English-language broadsheets in India has the full story on increasing forcible conversions, discrimination and unfair treatment in Malaysia. You may want to read it...
*Some of the comments have been updated recentlyThe spillover effect of the Hindraf rally on Sunday continues to cover the pages of the newspapers on 27th Novermber 2007. Malaysiakini compares the key news and views in major English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil dailies:English newspapersBoth the Star and New Straits Times led with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s assertion that the government will not back down from the political challenges presented by Hindraf. The Star also front-paged...

Now let the pictures do some talking.Boys in blue getting readyPart of the crowd walking towards KLCCPeople are being attacked with tear gasand chemical-laced waters by FRUCheck out more of the pictures here, here and here.And, here are the videos of Hindraf Rally from Youtube, CNN, and Al-JazeeraLet's see what the medias have in their hands for today.Reports on Hindarf Rally in local medias : Check out Malaysiakini here, here, here, here, and here....

Massive police lockdown and roadblocks all over the country as early as three days ahead the rally; Stern warnings were issued repeatedly by MIC president, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu to Malaysian Indians not to attend the rally; Prime Minister has said it earlier during UMNO general assembly held on Deepavali, "Saya pantang dicabar!"; The boys in blue have made it much clearer and louder by obtaining a court order; Buses carrying thousands of rally...
Newly formed Indian-based party, the Malaysian Indian United Party (MIUP), vowed to support the Barisan Nasional-led government, believing that by doing so, opportunity to elevate the social status of the Indian community would be better. The party's launching ceremony was held yesterday afternoon at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur after Nalla has announced the formation of the party a month ago.Around 700 supporters witnessed the party launching by its president, Nallakaruppan. In his opening speech,...
Here's the live update by Al-Jazeera during the Hindraf Rally this morning. I was only managed to catch the scenario of the rally towards the end. Pockets of Indians were seen all around KL after the rally over around 2.00pm.I'll be leaving KL in a while with more updates of the official launching of Malaysian Indian United party (MIUP) held at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur at 2.30pm. The party president Dato' Nalla revealed the crucial need for another Indian base political party in this country....

The next three days starting today going to be a meaningful one for fellow Hindus. There will be celebration and special prayers in all the remaining temples in country. No.. No.. No! Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about the upcoming Hindraf Rally scheduled tomorrow. I am talking about the Karthigai Deepam festival which is celebrated by Hindus all around the world with great fervour in the tamil month of Karthigai (November - December). For...

Looks like protesting and demonstrating have been the only ways to voice out our concerns and dissatisfactions in this country. It was all started with the Black and White walk, followed by massive Bersih rally and the next one on the list is going to be Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) Rally which is just two days away. This time it’s not about judicial rot or electoral reforms but an expression of dissatisfaction against discrimination and...

Updates (22nd Nov 2007):Malaysiakini reported today that Giant marketing director Ho Mun Hao has denied Sashindran’s account of the incident when contacted for further details. He claimed that the CCTV recording at the outlet “clearly showed” that the technician was attempting to shoplift the items. “If he wants to bring it to court, so be it. We have evidence that he did steal those items. He is cornered and (that is why) he is trying to turn the...

A burglar breaks into a house. He starts shining his light around looking for valuables. Some nice things catch his eye, as he reaches for them, he hears, "Jesus is watching you." Startled, the burglar looks for the speaker. Seeing no one, he keeps putting things in his bag, again, he hears, "Jesus is watching you." This time, he sees a parrot."Who are you?" the burglar asks."Moses," the bird replied."Who the heck would name a bird Moses?" the man...

I wish I could fast forward the next 10 days of my lifeSijil Pelajaran Tinggi (SPM) examination begins today as well. Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Malaysia and History would be the first two papers. I wish all the best to thousands of form five students who will be sitting for their examinations throughout this month. May good luck be with you, God bles...
The list of top 200 universities in the world for the year 2007has been released two days back by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) based on the survey conducted by Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd (QS). Looks like Malaysian Universities are in a free fall state. Sad story that none of our Malaysian Universities able to climb up the ladders to reserve a place for themselves in the list of top 200. Universiti Malaya (UM) is the highest rank Malaysian Universiti at 246, followed by Universiti...
Well.. today is Deepavali. I am celebrating it just like any other day, sitting in my room completing all the project reports yet to be submitted in a few days time. There’s only four more days for my final examination and I have five papers in week. So, it's not a real happening hooh haah Deepavali over here. Slept late and woke up late in the morning just now. Got ready and was checking the online newspapers when one of my housemates came to my room and said,"Come, let's go lunch". I nodded saying...

Season of LightsDunes of vapors from crackers rise,Engulf, as odorous airs resoundEffusing joys to all aboundPearls of gleams in these autumn nightsAdorn our lives else triteWith sparklers that motley skiesAs soaring spirits of powder wanderLet us thank the heavenly might,In this festive season of lights.Wish all of you a Happy Deepavali.May this festival of lights brings the flicker of hope and success to all of us!வலைப்பூ நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும்...
One thing I really look forward during festive season in Malaysia is advertisements. They always carry unique messages closely related to the spirit of muhibah and multi racial integrity. And, looking at previous episodes, PETRONAS has always been the champion in delivering their messages via advertisements. Their advertisements deliver moral values and often leave a great impact on people. Their ad for Deepavali a few years back is still one of my favorites till today.This year they have come...
Latest Update:MIC President, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu has issued a media statement today at 5pm retracting and withdrawing the statement he made earlier that MIC will be boycotting Deepavali Open houses. Many people are disappointed with the withdrawal as the recent move by the government to demolish temples and to hold the UMNO annual general meeting on Deepavali day has hurt the feeling of Indians in Malaysia. Original Posting:MIC has finally come forward and voiced out on UMNO's constant downplay...

After hearing that one of the patients in a mental hospital had saved another from a suicide attempt by pulling him out of a bathtub, the hospital director reviewed the rescuer's file and called him into his office."Mr. Haroldson, your records and your heroic behavior indicate that you're ready to go home. I'm only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself with a rope around the neck.""Oh, he didn't kill himself," Mr. Haroldson replied."I...
I don't know what's wrong with my PC. It just decided to dig deep into my pockets.A few months back, my power supply blasted. I had to buy a new one and that was my third power supply unit in less than two years. Thank you to the routine blackouts in my campus.Then it was my hard disk that spoiled. Just before my semester starts, three months ago! All my mp3 collections and valuable data gone in the wind, just like that. Nothing could be retrieved. I had to buy a new hard disk - 160GB SATA 2, and...
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Blog Archive
- Hindraf Rally : International spillover
- Hindraf Rally spillover
- HINDRAF Rally : More in pictures & news
- The world looked down as people stood tall
- MIUP : New political pary launched
- Hindraf Rally : Al-Jazeera Live coverage
- Karthigai, where light prevails over darkness.
- HINDRAF Rally : Are you ready?
- Harapkan sekuriti...
- LOL Mondays 9
- Exam
- Malaysian Universities on a sliding slope.
- I regret winding down my window on Deepavali
- Happy Deepavali
- Petronas Deepavali Ad
- Boycott on Deepavali open houses
- LOL Mondays 8
- R.I.P : Graphic Card, HD & PSU