A son asked his father "Dad, what is politics?“
Dad said, "Look, I bring the money home, therefore I am the Capitalist; Your mother administrates the money, therefore she is the Government; Grandpa watches everything, therefore he is the Union and our maid is the Working Class.We all want just one thing, your well-being. Therefore you are the People. And your smaller brother who is still in his nappy, is the Future"
Then Dad said, "Did you understand that my son?" The little one thinks, and tells his father he wanted to sleep it over for one night.
During the night the boy wakes up, because his younger brother produces something with an unbearable smell from his nappy and is crying. As he doesn‘t know what to do, he goes into the bedroom of his parents. But there is only his mother in her bed, and she is so fast asleep that he does not succeed in waking her up. So he goes into the bedroom of the maid where he finds his father having fun with her, and grandpa watching them secretly through the window !!!! All of them are so engaged that they don‘t realize that the boy is standing in front of them. So the boy decides to go to bed again without having been able to solve the problem.
Next morning the father asks his son if he is able to explain with a few words what politics is. "Yes“, answers the son.
Then he said, "The Capitalist abuses the Working Class. The Union watches without doing anything, while the Government sleeps. The People are completely ingnored. And, The Future is in the shit. That's politics!"

For the past 35 years, Amma has dedicated her life to the uplifting of suffering humanity through the simplest of gestures – an embrace. She blesses every single one who comes to her by hugging them, letting a river of unconditional love and Luminous rays of grace to flow from her to many souls, accepting anyone and everyone, and cleansing all their impurities. In this intimate manner, Amma had blessed and consoled more than 25 million people throughout the world.
When asked Amma how was it possible for her to embrace each and every one in the same loving way, even if they were diseased or unpleasant, Amma replied, “ When a bee hovers over a garden of varied flowers, what it beholds is not the difference between the flowers but the honey within them. Similarly Amma sees the same Supreme Self in each and every one.“ As long as there is enough strength in these hands to reach out to those who come to her, to place her hand on a crying person’s shoulder, Amma will continue to give darshan; to lovingly caress people, to console and wipe tears until the end of this mortal frame – this is Amma’s wish.
You may seek her blessings when she is in Malaysia from tomorrow, 31st march 7.00 pm to 1st April 2008, 7.00 pm at Mines exibition & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
"Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence. By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It is Amma's prayer that at least this small dream be realised." -Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Have a look for yourself at http://www.drkhir.blogspot.com/

Turning the lights off for Earth Hour is a great first step. Every single light makes a statement and makes a difference. Google UK has turned off it's lights. And, I'm "switching off" now - both my computer and lights :)
Check out live updates of Earth hour 2008 HERE
I'll be turning off my lights on 29th March at 8pm, for an hour, together with 24 global cities in an effort to support energy reduction in this planet and to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Tell all your friends, and your family, and your workmates to be part of this strong voice. Let's "switch off" and stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced.
More info at http://www.earthhour.org/
Check out the live updates at http://earth-hour.blogspot.com/

Besides internal pressure, the governmrent is also receiving international attacks on this issue. A group of concerned Malaysian Indians residing in California, held a rally, at the United Nations Plaza, on March 22, 2008 to mark and protest the 100th day detention of 5 Hindraf leaders detailed unders ISA. They urged the government immediately release these five people as the government has failed to provide any evidence nor brought any charges against them. In their press statement, they demanded the Prime Minister, Dato’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to respect the human-rights of these five people, restore their freedom, and, return them to their families immediately, as befits the leader of a civilized nation and an adherent of Islam Hadhari.
More pictures HERE
28:1 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. 4 And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. 5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.” 8 So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”Today is a new chance to have life; a gift from God. May the Holy Spirit make your heart bright and May Jesus' love be forever wrapped around us. :)
God bless & Happy Easter, everyone!
But, first of all why did Jesus have to die?
According to Christian teaching, he was God born as a human being, and he died as the once and final sacrifice for the sins of others and then rose again to affirm that anyone who accepts his sacrifice will also rise in the next life. Here's more on why did Jesus have to die?
Hi people! Here's more links for admission into Singapore Universities. Application for international applicants for undergraduate studies for the academic Year 2008-09 has commenced.
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Nanyang Technology University (NTU)
Singapore Management University (SMU)
Updates : 18 March 2008
The Japanese Goverment Monbukagakusho Scholarship
Taylors University College Scholarships :
MISC Cadet Sponsorship Programme (SPM Leavers)
NST Learning Curve Fund 2008
High Commission of India - Indian Trust Fund
Yayasan Sime Darby Scholarships
Khazanah Nasional Global Scholarship - Degree/Masters/PhD
Updates : 16 March 2008
Tamiliyakkam has informations and guidelines for you to refer.
TNB Scholarship : http://www.tnb.com.my/tnb/announceViewPage.php?Id=11
Telekom Malaysia : http://ytm.tm.com.my/index.cfm?ytm=page.open&lang=MY
Scholarship programme for Diaspora children
You may access the informations at http://www.moia.gov.in/
The last date for receiving completed application forms is 4th April 2008.
Original Posting : 13 March 2008
SPM and STPM results are out. So, here's a quick update on useful links for scholarships and applications.
Petronas Scholarship : http://spmonline.petronas.com.my/
JPA Scholarship : http://esila.jpa.gov.my/portaljpa.php
Bank Negara Malaysia : http://www.bnm.gov.my/index.php?ch=104&pg=674&ac=587
IPTAs in Malaysia : http://www.mohe.gov.my/
More info available at http://www.malaysia-scholarship.com/
For STPM leavers, Seelan has some info for you.
MIndsBlog, we had our first gathering last weekend at KL.
We met up at a restaurant. The table was full of food, fun, chicken briyani and ideas for future plans. It was really nice meeting some of you for the first time. Hope to see more in future. ;)
Some highlights of the day, off the record :
- I arrived quite late; but much earlier than Praveen. :p
- Raaja
suppose to be latewas there before anyone else. :p - Mahen gave a special appearance with his new look to the shock of Ammu. :o
- Watermelon juice + mango lassie + apple juice = traffic light !?! :d
- Some of us caught a movie after the meet up. It was first time me sitting on a front row of a cinema.
- Three guys who suck at KL roads got onto the same car and lost their way. :D
- Midvalley has a huge car park. It took us 10 minutes to get a parking space and 20 minutes to find back the exact place we parked the car. :f
Shamini. The last time I met her was four years ago, when she was studying at Unit pendidikan Khas of Queen Elizabeth School in Johor Bahru. Her best friend at that time was her braille machine as she uses her fingers to read. She lost her eyesight when she was way too young. I still remember the days where my friends and I take turns during weekends to read her economic notes, and she types them in braille. That was during her STPM days. She worked hard despite all the difficulties she had to go though. I lost her contact after her exams but I knew she did very well in STPM. Now, she is in UM chasing her dreams to be a lecturer. She is one of those inspiring individuals that I came across during my school life. I always admired her courage and determination.

And now, we have another brother who has made us proud. Saravanan, 21, who suffers from cerebral palsy, had defied the odds to emerge as one of three physically-challenged students to be commended by the Malaysian Examinations Council for his STPM results. Saravanan, a science student, scored two As and three B plus to the joy of his caretakers at Kamakshi Child Home and his teachers and friends.
Saravanan now wants to pursue his ambition of becoming a software engineer. Dr P. Kunaletchumy, a director at the Kamakshi Child Home, is hoping to find a sponsor to finance Saravanan’s education. Mahen has launched "Be The Change" initiative in raising support for Saravanan and many others like him. It's going to be a collective effort that involves each and every person.

You may pledge your donations by writing to bmahendran@gmail.com. He'll reply you as soon as possible. More details available HERE.
With proper guidance, encouragement and support, I'm sure we as a whole entity could help more people like Shamini and Saravanan to inspire millions of others in this world - that the struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive, and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
Let's reach out and lend our hands!

Toilets walls also double as job
advertisement space.......
(written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line, the
Singapore Fire Department wants you!!!
Ministry of Environment advertisement.
We aim to please!
You aim too! Please
On the inside of a toilet door:
Patrons are requested to remain seated
throughout the entire performance.
And finally, this should teach some a lesson...
Sign seen at a restaurant:
The hands that clean these toilets
also make your food...please aim properly.
Looks like the pattern has changed. People are no longer prefer BN's "divide and rule" tactics. The prefer a Bangsa Malaysia that belongs to everyone. It's a positive change.
Meanwhile, in times of success, stay humble and calm. Don't provoke others and let others to provoke you. Don't let any party to have the reason to declare an emergency. If possible, stay at home and pray for the elected leaders to bring in more success to rakyat.

I'll be traveling down 456 km to exercise my voting rights, for the first time! I'm kinda exited about it :) If you are voting this coming Saturday, make sure you choose the best candidate for a Better Malaysia. Francis of Malaysiakini wrote up an interesting piece of article about 10 commandments on who should you vote for. Have a read; after all it's free now.
Vote wisely. Raise your hands for those who really deserve to be in parliament. Quoting some of my lines from previous posts:
As we prepare to celebrate the International Women’s Day which falls on the same day of our General Election on March 8, make sure you exercise your constitutional rights to kick sexist MPs out of Parliament and send a strong message to them, that, we Malaysians do not tolerate sexism and gender discrimination!
It's people power. We decide; we govern. The choice is in our hands. Give your five minutes of voting time for someone who are willing to commit five years of their life time serving the community."We do not vote to secure 20% for the Chinese and 9% for the Indians. We vote to secure 100% for all Malaysians, for all anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia."
People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing. So think twice; vote wise; and be part of the change in shaping the Malaysia we always deserved. Your vote counts!
Malaysiakini's Bahasa Malaysia section went free last week with the launch of Tamil version through MalaysiaIndru, the result of a partnership with Semparuthi Publications. And now, as the election is approaching, Malaysiakini has decided to make articles in the English and Chinese language sections free as well.
During this free period, Malaysiakini will allow its ‘news and views’ to be re-posted in blogs and other websites as well as to be printed and photocopied for distribution.
It's a timely decision and a right choice wich enables more rakyat to access independent news so that they can make an informed decision on polling day. Thanks a million, Malaysiakini!
We do not want sexist leaders"
It was a loud and clear message sent by Women’s Candidacy Initiative (WCI) and The Joint Action Group (JAG) during their press conference yesterday at Sungai Siput. A group of woman rights activists from both the NGOs even took their campaign for gender equality right to the doors of MIC president S Samy Vellu only to be forcibly removed from the scene. Malaysiakini has the story and a 6 minutes video of the MIC's shameful hospitality towards the women rights activists.
It looks like sexist remarks is becoming a norm in the parliament nowadays. There have been so many statements in referring to a natural, biological function of the female body. Most of us have been monitoring the debates of the Members of Parliament (MPs) and some of the MPs continue to make remarks which discriminate against women, and are sexist. The MPs who make such remarks show that they have a poor grasp of gender issues
Badruddin bin Amiruldin (BN–the then MP for Yan)
“Like a menopausal woman” in reference to the debate of another male MP. [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN–Kinabatangan)
and Mohd Said Yusuf (BN–Jasin) - dropped at 2008 GE)
Where is the leak? The member for Batu Gajah also leaks every month.” [DR 9.5.2007]
S. Samy Vellu (BN–Sungai Siput)
“A woman 50 years ago, she looks beautiful, but today she won’t look so beautiful” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
S. Samy Vellu (BN–Sungai Siput)
“Toilets are like new brides after they are completed. After some time, they get a bit spoiled. Even if you do not use them frequently, you need someone to clean them every 25 minutes.” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Mohamed bin Aziz (BN–Sri Gading)
“It is unusual for women’s issues to be touched (raised) by men,” and after a pause, he added, “but women are supposed to be touched by men.” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN–Kinabatangan)
“Can I push through a little?” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Badruddin bin Amiruldin (BN–Jerai) on marital rape
“Sometimes for reasons of entrapment she lodges a report that she had been raped. If she is a virgin it would have been okay… we can find out. But if she is not then how can we prove whether it was rape or otherwise?” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Raja Dato' Ahmad Zainuddin bin Raja Haji Omar (BN-Larut)
Commented that in order to prevent sexual harassment, all women should be fully covered (tutup aurat) irrespective of their religion. Women were told to cover themselves completely for the good of everyone. [DR 13.3.2000]
Idris Haron (BN–Tangga Batu), Dr Mohd Hayati bin Othman (PAS–Pendang), Salahuddin Ayub (PAS–Kubang Kerian)
Claimed that the ‘sexy uniforms’ of the female MAS cabin staff would arouse the passion of male passengers. [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Shabudin Yahaya (BN–Permatang Berangan) and Datuk Jasmin Mohamed (BN–Sg Dua), Penang State Assembly
“The women’s dressing menggoda (lures) and mencabar (challenges) men.” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
5. Patronising remarks on women being “emotional” and likening women to children
Timbalan Yang di-Pertua Dato' Haji Muhamad bin Abdullah
A woman MP was told not to be too emotional in a debate on the Immigration Act 1963 and the Income Tax Act 1967 and the issues she raised were dismissed as being non-discriminatory. [DR 24.10.2000]
Tuan Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar (BN-PBB-Santubong)
Referred to a fellow woman MP as a ‘little girl’ and told her to go home and suck on a pacifier (hisap pepetlah). [DR 29.3.2000]
Bung Mokhtar bin Radin (BN–Kinabatangan)
“Why do single mothers find it hard to remarry – most of them are still beautiful and gorgeous, so what are the real reasons?” which was responded to by…. [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Mohamed bin Aziz (BN–Sri Gading)
“due to their not-so-favourable age……men, when it comes to younger women, they will definitely drool.” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Abdul Fatah Harun (PAS– Rantau Panjang)
“…Widows are humble… but divorcees, most of them are gatal (randy).” [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
Badruddin bin Amiruldin (BN–Jerai)
Asked a fellow Parliamentarian if he knew how long YB Fong Poh Kuan’s (DAP - Batu Gajah) marriage would last (during a debate on rising divorce cases). [Malaysiakini, 15 May 2007]
You and I are well aware that sexist remarks are not jokes. They are offensive and distasteful. It's time to put a full stop to Sexism and Gender Discrimination in Parliament. You wouldn't want leaders who doesn't know how to respect women.
As we prepare to celebrate the International Women’s Day which falls on the same day of our General Election on March 8, make sure you exercise your constitutional rights to kick sexist MPs out of Parliament and send a strong message to them, that, we Malaysians do not tolerate sexism and gender discrimination!
About This Blog
Blog Archive
- LOL Mondays 16
- AMMA in M'sia 2008
- I'm not joking, Khir Toyo really blogs!
- Let's "switch off"
- California Rally : 100th day unlawful detention of H5
- Happy Easter! But, why did Jesus have to die?
- SPM & STPM : Useful links
- MIndsBlog's gathering, I was there :)
- Reach out and lend your hand
- LOL Mondays 15
- People Power
- Think twice.. because your vote counts!
- Malaysiakini goes free for next 7 days
- Vote for a sexism-free parliament