Think twice.. because your vote counts!

One more day of campaigning and that's it. March 8, the big day; the mother of all elections I would say. In fact, this 12th General Election might be the dirtiest ever with fickle minded SPR's 11th hour decision to cross out the usage of indelible ink.

I'll be traveling down 456 km to exercise my voting rights, for the first time! I'm kinda exited about it :) If you are voting this coming Saturday, make sure you choose the best candidate for a Better Malaysia. Francis of Malaysiakini wrote up an interesting piece of article about 10 commandments on who should you vote for. Have a read; after all it's free now.

Vote wisely. Raise your hands for those who really deserve to be in parliament. Quoting some of my lines from previous posts:

As we prepare to celebrate the International Women’s Day which falls on the same day of our General Election on March 8, make sure you exercise your constitutional rights to kick sexist MPs out of Parliament and send a strong message to them, that, we Malaysians do not tolerate sexism and gender discrimination!
It's people power. We decide; we govern. The choice is in our hands. Give your five minutes of voting time for someone who are willing to commit five years of their life time serving the community."We do not vote to secure 20% for the Chinese and 9% for the Indians. We vote to secure 100% for all Malaysians, for all anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia."

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing. So think twice; vote wise; and be part of the change in shaping the Malaysia we always deserved. Your vote counts!

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