Malaysiakini goes free for next 7 days

Yahoo.. Good news!!! Malaysiakini has decided to make its website free beginning today, for the next one week. Readers can now have the access to all Malaysiakini reports and articles without having to log in. The site will be locked on March 10, two days after the general election.

Malaysiakini's Bahasa Malaysia section went free last week with the launch of Tamil version through MalaysiaIndru, the result of a partnership with Semparuthi Publications. And now, as the election is approaching, Malaysiakini has decided to make articles in the English and Chinese language sections free as well.

During this free period, Malaysiakini will allow its ‘news and views’ to be re-posted in blogs and other websites as well as to be printed and photocopied for distribution.

It's a timely decision and a right choice wich enables more rakyat to access independent news so that they can make an informed decision on polling day. Thanks a million, Malaysiakini!

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