How to get things out of your mind?

We are now less than three weeks into this brand new year. And I'm trying hard to keep my resolutions especially the particular one which I resolve not to procrastinate my work. You know, it's not easy to be on track all the time. Sometimes we need little notes and words that could help us to remind ourselves of what we suppose to do in order to make sure we have a remarkable milestones throughout the next 12 months. I guess no one wants a miserable ending at December and regrets over things that you could have done but you didn't

But over time, 2008 might just start to feel just like the old ones before. Getting the spark to list down our goals, set the priorities and get ourselves and keep on moving can be very tough at times. We tend to keep our to-do tasks only in our minds and fail to work on them most of the times. We keep focusing on problems with not finding a jet pack to overcome them with posible solutions. We stop to progress. In fact the one and only way to get things out of our mind is by making progress on them!

Challenges don't get harder if our end product is progress. Keep moving closer towards your goals and dreams. Have some motivation and strong energy within you all the time to keep yourself on your toes. And, when I said that some of you might just ask, how? Here's how motivation can be made simple!
  • Have your dreams and burning desire, set goals and get down to work.
  • Actions created motivation. Get cracking and that is it.
  • The habit of doing it now, and not wasting another minute is motivation.
And I repeat, you get things out of our mind is by making progress on them! All the best and keep rocking. May you have a blessed Friday and wish you a great weekend ahead! :)

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