Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah outlined five traits needed for a decent social order which would produce social norms and behavior that were fundamentally efficient, productive and just in his recent lecture entitled "Towards a Decent Social Order for All Malaysians" at the Islamic Arts Museum. They were:
• A social order that led to cohesion within and among communities and called for horizontal equity whereby all Malaysians in equal circumstances were treated in exactly the same way;
• Malaysians of all races and religions engaging one another with absolute civility and respect;
• Malaysians feeling a deep-seated sense of ownership over the problems of the country and being motivated to take decisive action and make whatever sacrifices necessary for the good of the country;
• Only Malaysians who were capable, hard working, bold and scrupulously honest being allowed to serve in positions of responsibility; and,
• The public having a high degree of trust in the pillars of state, the executive, judiciary and legislature, as well as the civil service and police.
Raja Nazrin further added that "figures in authority must be chosen for their integrity first and qualification second." Here's part of the Bernama story :
Raja Nazrin said corruption was mankind's most deadly social disease, as it could undermine good governance, weaken institutional foundations, distort public policy, compromise the rule of law and constrain the economy. He said corruption curbed competitiveness to the detriment of economic and social development, led to tremendous misallocation of resources, and made the cost of doing business become unacceptably high. "Corruption exists because of man's enduring desire for personal gain. Once corruption becomes widespread, it will no longer seem immoral and unlawful - just business as usual," he said.
He said there must be concrete anti-corruption measures and management practices based on efficiency, transparency and accountability. Unnecessary or complex regulations and licensing requirements should be discarded or simplified to discourage `under-the-table' deals, he said.
The points Raja Nazrin has put forward are social norms that need to be reflected in daily routine and action of every single Malaysian citizen. Only if we can have everyone to practice what Raja Nazrin is preaching, we would be able to create a big positive change in this multi-racial nationhood.
whAt A LiFe says:
i agree with u, puvanan.We as citizens have to follow the rules n regulations instead of the 'under table policy'. But the higher officials should enforce strict law n order first. The leaders and followers have to be straight, only then the citizens will follow the right path. This is my opinion. Anyway, you've got an informative blog. I will add you in my bloggers list : )
Vilves says:
I have so much of respect for him, he is man of simplicity and virtue. I wish all the officials and minister could set him as example & Our Sultan is a man of virtue as well, he gave importance to Rakyat. He stripped Datoships from those whom don't deserve one and always care for nations.
puvanan says:
@what a alife
Thnx for the link. Yup, only if we can have everyone to follow his words, it is possible to shape up a better nation in the nearest future.
Me too. He is the perfect example for all leaders. I feel Raja Nazrin is very much a people oriented leader. Hopefully we will have more leaders like him in our country in the coming years.