
Selamat Hari Raya

Wishing all my Muslim friends "Selamat Hari Raya"Be careful on roads, ingatlah girlfriend yang tersayang ...
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Malaysia Indru gets new look

MalaysiaIndru (மலேசியாஇன்று) -The Tamil version of Malaysiakini is now up and running with a brand new look. Check out its Version 2.0 release at www.malaysiaindru.co...
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LOL Mondays 21

JUST A MINUTEThe man: "God, how long is a million years?" God: "To me, it's about a minute." The man: "God, how much is a million dollars?" God: "To me it's a penny." The man: "God, may I have a penny?"God: "Yeah of course, wait a minute...
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ISA : Let's talk about double standards

It's a clear cut of another Ops Lalang. RPK was the first victim of UMNO's "ramai-ramai masuk ISA" campaign. Well that was something everyone expected to happen, either sooner or later. In fact RPK himself wrote in Malaysia Today that he would be dragged under the draconian law when UMNO feels the time has come. And. I guess he was talking about "yesterday" all this while. In one of his recent articles RPK said, ...this could probably be the last...
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LHC first beam of Proton

Did you had a look at Google today? Well, this was the logo!In case you wonder what's the rocket look a like thingy that circles around the Google and sparks out when collide with each another - it's the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC for short.The LHC is European Organization of Nuclear Research's (CERN) new flagship research facility. As the world’s highest energy particle accelerator, it is poised to provide new insights into the mysteries of...
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Tony Fernandes on blogosphere

As we have people like Kennysia who became a popular figure because of him blogging, we also have number of famous local personalities who started to blog in order to share their thoughts and opinions for the success of others.Here's the next one on such a list. Check out Tony Fernandez in his CEO Blog -The Entrepreneur. He's now on board willing to share his ideas, thoughts and observations on a variety of topics with anyone who cares to listen.As...
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An oath for today's youth

Several days ago I had a chance to attend a public lecture - “Ignited Minds : The Power of the Youth” by APJ Dr.Abdul Kalam, the former President of India, during his one week visit to Malaysia.As the planet Earth is facing many conflicts both natural and man-made, he stressed that every single youth holds the responsibility to work for universal harmony by ironing out all the causes of conflictsThus, he administered nine points oath to be repeated...
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