It has been months since I went to Johor Bahru and it was time for me to go back and "punch card" at my place of birth. I only get chances to go back during stretch holidays as my journey to Johor Bahru often takes up to 9 hours. Still, I just stayed a week there before something else came in my way. I had to come back to KL again for three days conference during the mid December days. It was The Conference of Teaching and and Learning in Higher Education 2007 (CTLHE'07) which discussed hundreds of papers pertaining the issues related to higher learning institutes and focused on building the Human Capital in Universities. I was there to present a conference paper and the preparations for that ate up most of my early December holidays.
Anyway, I managed to grab an opportunity to participate in two more social events before I left for the conference. One was the closing ceremony of Total Imerssion Camp that lasted for 21 days in SJK(T) Ulu Tiram. It was an awareness camp for post UPSR students organized by one of the most established NGOs in this country- Education, Welfare and Research Foundation (EWRF). The next would be a prize giving ceremony for the young achievers of UPSR examinations held at Skudai by Johor Tamil School Headmasters Council. More than 200 standard six pupils received certificates and token of appreciation as recognition to their efforts and hard earned results.
I came back to Johor Bahru after the conference on the 14th of December, only to spent a night at home as I left with my family on the next day morning for another round of long trip. I travelled more than 2000km from south to the extreme north of Malaysian before back home after almost a week. I'll talk more of those exciting days in coming posts.
Till then, have fun celebrating the last few days of this year. Say goodbye to 2007 with a great sense of appreciation as this year has been one of the most exciting and wonderful one for all of us. Be prepared to welcome a brand new start. Remember, we can never go back and start a new beginning, but we can always start now and make a new ending. I'll see you again next year with new year resolutions. Period.
Sometimes I wonder, how many people who set new year's resolutions actually achieves them. We make fresh resolutions every year, without considering how successful we have been in accomplishing the resolutions in previous year. So, let's make the coming year a real different one. We shall take some time to plan on yur new year resolutions and make sure our goals are achievable and realistic. It should be very focused and related to our peronsal life vision. Some people make resolutions that are impractical and impossible which often end up in failure. So, think carefully and plan the coming year well.
I have been thinking of my new year resolutions at the back of my head. It has been a real busy month for me leaving no time to scribble them down yet. I'll try my best to share my goals here in this blog with all of you once I am done with the list. How about you? Have you planned your success?
Meanwhile, as the new year approaching, I'd love to share some of the thoughts of success taken from the pages of the book, Trump 101: The Way to Success as it might give you a kickstart and some ideas on what to look for in the nearest future:
Ask yourself whether you're doing what you want and what is right for you;
Be positive every day. If you're not, no one will think you can succeed;
Believe in yourself, exude confidence, and get in your competitors' way. Project yourself into their picture and upset their status quo;
Break loose from your comfort zone by moving forward with the power and momentum that positive thinking creates;
Zap negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Whatever energy you expend will build the positive stamina that is vital for success;
Ignore the expectations of others. Stand up to your friends, family, teachers, colleagues and those who think that they know what's best for you. Plug into your own energy.
Updated 30th Nov 2007, 1.13am
The leading English Language broadsheet daily newspaper in India, The Times of India has come out with an exclusive pullout covering special news, reviews, blog updates, opinion poll, videos and articles of the recent Hindraf mass rally in Malaysia.
The newspaper which has the widest circulation among all English-language broadsheets in India has the full story on increasing forcible conversions, discrimination and unfair treatment in Malaysia. You may want to read it HERE.
Original Posting
Besides the local medias, the spillover effect of the Hindraf rally continues to cover the front pages of International medias, as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi has urged India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, asking the Union government to intervene on behalf of ethnic Indian Tamils in Malaysia seeking action to end “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia. Most of the International medias has echoed his concern. I produce you some:
The Hindu - Karunanidhi writes to Manmohan
The Tribune - Karuna seeks PM’s help
News Today - Protect Tamils in Malaysia: MK to PM
Zee News - Karunanidhi urges PM to save Tamils in Malaysia
IBN Live - Karunanidhi urges PM to protect Tamils in Malaysia
Hindustani Times - Protect Tamils in Malaysia, Karunanidhi urges PM
The Times of India - Karunanidhi seeks help for Tamils in Malaysia
Rediff India Abroad - Karunanidhi protests ill-treatment of Tamils in Malaysia
Also check out Dinamalar's article on Karunathi's voice and a video clip from Makkal TV at RaajaRox
கருணாநிதி மீது மலேசிய மந்திரி கோபம் - சிங்கப்பூர்: எங்கள் நாட்டின் அரசியல் விவகாரங்களில் தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி தலையிட வேண்டாம், என மலேசிய அமைச்சர் முகமது நஸ்ரி அப்துல் அஜீஸ் ஆவேசப்பட்டுள்ளார். மலேசிய தமிழர்கள் மோசமாக நடத்தப்பட்ட விவகாரத்தில் தலையிட்டு மத்திய அரசு உரிய நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி, பிரதமர் மன்மோகன் சிங்கிற்கு கடிதம் எழுதியிருந்தார். இது பற்றி மலேசிய அமைச்சர் முகமது நஸ்ரி அப்துல் அஜீஸ் கூறுகையில், இது மலேசியாவின் பிரச்னை. மலேசியாவின் அரசியல் விவகாரங்களில் தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி தலையிட வேண்டாம், என்று கூறியுள்ளார்.
(Source : Dinamalar, 28 Nov 2007 11:02:00 PM)
Besides that, the Canadian Tamil and Time Magazine also printed about the plight of the Tamil community in Malaysia. Here are the links.
Tamil Canadian - Tamil Disobedience in Malaysia
Time Magazine - Facing Malaysia's Racial Issues
The United States has voiced out its comments as well. US State Department official when commenting on the crackdown of unprecedented street protests in Kuala Lumpur this month said that, "We believe citizens of any country should be allowed to peacefully assemble and express their views". T Kumar, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific advocacy director in Washington added, "It is a huge mistake for Prime Minister Abdullah to even consider using this unjust law to crack down on peaceful demonstrators".
*Some of the comments have been updated recently
The spillover effect of the Hindraf rally on Sunday continues to cover the pages of the newspapers on 27th Novermber 2007. Malaysiakini compares the key news and views in major English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil dailies:
English newspapers
Both the Star and New Straits Times led with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s assertion that the government will not back down from the political challenges presented by Hindraf. The Star also front-paged the release of three Hindraf leaders and that the 105 protesters are still detained for participating in Sunday rally. The Sun reported yesterday’s release of three Hindraf leaders charged under the Sedition Act.
Malay newspapers
Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian led with the deputy prime minister’s dismissal of the Hindraf protest as a politically-motivated event. Berita Harian also reported Malaysian Airline’s record earnings of RM610 million net for the first nine months of the year. Utusan Malaysia also led with the release of three Hindraf leaders and 136 protesters who will be charged.
Chinese newspapers
Sin Chew Daily also reported about the release of the three Hindraf by the Klang Sessions Court. Nanyang Siang Pau highlighted that former Unico Bhd director Tan Kai Hee refused to apologise for his defamatory statement against the company's chairman Lim Guan Teik and advisor Ngan Ching Wen. Oriental Daily reported Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as saying that the government would not back down against Hindraf's rally.
Tamil newspapers
Tamil Nesan led with DPM Najib’s vote of confidence on MIC president S Samy Vellu, calling the veteran community leader as a person who continues to fight for the community. The daily also reported on the court victory of the three key Hindraf leaders. Makkal Osai had a clarification from the police that they had dispersed a gathered crowd at the Batu Caves temple on the request of the temple committee.
The politicians have voiced out their views and comments as well pertaining the cry of desperation by the rally supporters last Sunday.
Najib Tun Razak : The Barisan Nasional Government will face the “political challenges” thrown by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) group which defied the law and went ahead with its rally on Sunday. “We will meet the challenge. We will not back down from political challenges,” Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said when asked if the Government was pressured by the group, which alleged that Hindus in Malaysia were being marginalised.
Samy Vellu : MIC president said he was “deeply saddened but not angry” with the Hindu Rights’ Action Force (Hindraf) for organising Sunday's illegal rally. Samy Vellu said Hindraf could have taken a better approach to air its grievances and should not have accused the MIC of failing the Indian community. Updated Read his exclusive interview with NST.
Lim Kit Siang : The government should stop their truculent and confrontational responses to the Sunday 30,000 Hindraf demonstration. If the cabinet is truly serious about addressing the long-standing grievances of the Indian Malaysian community, it should back a proposal for a parliamentary select committee. More in his blog.
S.K Devamany : K Devamany (MIC-Cameron Highlands) said the rally organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) reflected the Indian community’s disgruntlement towards certain government policies. He added the rally proved the failure of government policies which do not benefit the Indians. Devamany said even though the government promised many things to the Indians under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, the community's reaction through the rally demonstrated its frustration.
Mohd Nazri : Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, commenting on Devamany's response in the Dewan Rakyat said if Devamany feels that the government has failed, the only honourable way is for him to resign from MIC. At a today's press conference at the Parliament lobby, he said Devamany is scheduled to meet Najib, who is the Barisan Nasional (BN) chief whip, on Thursday for breaking ranks over the rally.
Updated Johari Baharom : Hindraf manipulated innocent Indian Malaysians to further the interests of certain quarters. We must see what had attracted thousands of Indians to gather on Sunday. They were there because they were given false hopes by the organisers.
Updated Abdullah Badawi : The Government will use the Internal Security Act (ISA) against street demonstrators who threaten national security and disrupt racial harmony if necessary, warned the Prime Minister. Abdullah said using the law, which allows for detention without trial, would be preventive action to spare the country untoward incidents that could affect its peace and national security.
Updated Dr Toh Kin Woon : Penang state executive councillor for economic planning, education, and human resources development, science, technology and innovation declared that he "disagreed with the country's leaders" on the issue. In his letter to Malaysiakini, he said instead of condemning, one would have thought and hoped that they should have been more concerned over the grievances, frustrations and disappointments that have brought so many thousands to the streets in the first place and to seek fair and just solutions to them.
Updated M.Kulasegaran : A revolving fund of RM1 billion should be set up to uplift the economic well being of the Indian Malaysian community, said M Kulasegaran, the DAP parliamentarian for Ipoh Barat. He also was of the view that the government must set up a department, headed by a minister, to deal with minority issues. Explaining that the protest on Sunday was evidence of the Indian community's anger, Kulasegaran said: "Even Barisan Nasional ministers, the New Straits Times and Suhakam are saying that the Indians are marginalised. They have urged the government to wake up.
..did i missed anyone? Hope not. Well, here I share some of the views from relevant NGOs. Check out what they have in their mind.
Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s Dr. Kumar has written a well thought critics of the rally saying this local fight-backs must continue whenever any community is faced with bullying by developers or government. But national level mobilization should be of all ordinary Malaysians (from all races) and not of Indians only! Perhaps, you may want to read the full comment at Malik Imtiaz's Disquiet.
Updated Malaysia Hindu Sangam said the authorities must listen to the grievances aired by some 30,000 Indian Malaysians who participated in Sunday’s rally. Describing it as a “wake up call for all Malaysians”, the influential Hindu umbrella body saud the government must stop “festering wounds” within the Indian community from becoming worse. Its president, A. Vaithilingam said t is clear that there are tens of thousands of Indians in Malaysia who feel the government is not protecting their best interests.
Updated Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) commissioner Prof Khoo Kay said that the Indian community is not doing so well compared to other races in this country. I believe that the rally was well-intended unlike the many accusations that the rally was racially-driven. According to Khoo, the rally provided a clear picture of how the Indian community has suffered prolonged marginalisation before and after the country achieved independence from the British.
Now let the pictures do some talking.
And, here are the videos of Hindraf Rally from Youtube, CNN, and Al-Jazeera
Let's see what the medias have in their hands for today.
What did the world read? Here are some of the the reports from International medias : CNN reports here and check out for Al-Jazeera here and here. Associated Press talks here. Channel News Asia of Singapore has the stories too.
Updates :
Harakah Daily, Asia Sentinel, BBC, Reuters, Agence France-Presse
Malaysiakini has more stories here and here.
Watch the video clip of Hindraf Rally report with YB S.K Devamany here.
Malaysiakini reports it here
More video updates at Bolehland
More pictures of the Rally at Raajarox
Another round of snaps of the rally.
Massive police lockdown and roadblocks all over the country as early as three days ahead the rally;
Stern warnings were issued repeatedly by MIC president, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu to Malaysian Indians not to attend the rally;
Prime Minister has said it earlier during UMNO general assembly held on Deepavali, "Saya pantang dicabar!";
The boys in blue have made it much clearer and louder by obtaining a court order;
Buses carrying thousands of rally participants were turned back home at various roadblocks set up by the police;
All the major roads in KL leading towards British Embassy was completely closed down for traffic hours before the rally;
Public transport services were interrupted and LRT did not to stop at KLCC and Ampang Stations on Sunday morning;
More than 4000 police officers and FRU guarding Kualal Lumpur day and night to hack the rally down;
Canistors and water cannons were made stand by and ready to shoot anytime needed;
Law extends its arm with arrest warnings on any Hindraf supporters who attends the rally;
And again, Police IGP issued the last warning a few hours before the rally.

As expected, the local medias, Both NST and The Star printed it as defiance! Malaysiakini reported that like Gandhi, the Hindraf supporters were out to show mass civil disobedience and it was prominently shown by a crowd of almost 5,000 near the Hotel Maya at Jalan Ampang. Meanwhile, in some instances the police appeared to exercise their duties with obvious signs of restraint, when compared to the many past brutal crackdowns on public dissent. CNN and Al-Jazeera gave a live update of the event giving a chance for the world to observe themselves of what happened under the shadow of twin towers.
This rally is a loud wake up call for the government and MIC that the marginalised Indian in this country are really upset with its policies. Over the last 50 years Indian have been marginalised and felt neglectedin this country. And they now want the same rights as enjoyed by other communities. Hindraf legal advisor P Uthayakumar, has declared the movement’s rally “a success” despite not being able to hand a petition to the British High Commission. He said the petition would be delivered to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in London instead.
Newly formed Indian-based party, the Malaysian Indian United Party (MIUP), vowed to support the Barisan Nasional-led government, believing that by doing so, opportunity to elevate the social status of the Indian community would be better. The party's launching ceremony was held yesterday afternoon at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur after Nalla has announced the formation of the party a month ago.
Around 700 supporters witnessed the party launching by its president, Nallakaruppan. In his opening speech, he mentioned that, MIUP was formed as there is still space for another Indian based political party to exist in Malaysia and he was sure MIUP would feel the vacum with great success.. Nalla explained the scenario of Malaysian Indian who are still lagging behind in many ways and stressed that Indians have a very poor political knowledge of where they have failed to obtain their rights in proper ways. Thus, he said, MIUP will be creating the political awareness among the Indian community and vowed to help them at its own way and style. He assures the party will play its role in a very effective way in bringing up the Indians in Malaysia using a fresh approach in a quick way. The crowd cheered loudly as Dato Nalla said his way will be very unique indeed, quoting the punch dialogue of Tamil Superstar Rajnikanth in the movie Padayappa. He expect others to not interfere in his way of doing the necessary help for the community as the party's main aim is to help Indians and not to play politics. Nallakaruppan was also quick to stress that there was no intention of discrediting the much-established Indian-based party MIC. Nallakaruppan said that MIC should continue with their agenda and that the MIUP will also concentrate on its mission though the latter might have different approaches to issues.
The party supporters were made clear of the stand of MIUP where the party will not go against BN, and will continuously support the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime minister. MIUP will extend its arm to support whatever policies done by Barisan Nasional. Yet, MIUP will not join with any other parties and will function as a stand alone entity in Malaysian politics. But, Dato' Nalla cleared that his party willing to accept other parties interested to merge themselves with MIUP in the future. He also said that his party would be first launching plans to establish an independent Tamil secondary soon. According to him, his party has started the ground work for the effort and its 10,000 supporters are standing with him in making it real. After the party president's speech, Nalla introduced his 11 leaders on stage while all of them shouting, "Kita sokong Barisan Nasional". Then, Dato Nalla and Datin M.Vijayakumari received their membership cards and it was also mentioned during the ceremony that the party logo and colour concept was designed by Datin M.Vijayakumari.
Before the ceremony ends, Dato Nalla thanked all the supporters and expressed his disappointment as more of his supporters from other states were sent back during the police lock downs to prevent Hindraf Rally. He further promise that MIUP believes in transparency and will uphold the open policy in political arena.
Here's the live update by Al-Jazeera during the Hindraf Rally this morning. I was only managed to catch the scenario of the rally towards the end. Pockets of Indians were seen all around KL after the rally over around 2.00pm.
I'll be leaving KL in a while with more updates of the official launching of Malaysian Indian United party (MIUP) held at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur at 2.30pm. The party president Dato' Nalla revealed the crucial need for another Indian base political party in this country. More updates later.
Meanwhile if you guys have any snaps of Hindraf Rally, please email them to me. I'll share some of the beautiful and ugly ones here. Thanks.

It can be considered as an extension of Deepavali and don't be surprise when I tell you that it is also one of the oldest Hindu festival perhaps before Deepavali itself, as Karthigai Deepam has been mentioned and referred to in many ancient works of Tamil literature that dates back to 2,000 or 2,500 BC. It falls in the month of Karthigai when the star Krithigai is on the ascendant according to the Tamil Calendar on a full moon day. It is believed that Lord Muruga, the divine light of Lord Shiva, took his form during this month and this year, the festival of Karthigai is going to be a bit more special (again, nothing to do with Hindraf Rally). For the year of 2007, the Karthigai Deepam and Pournami (read=full moon), fall on the same day, as well as the day when Lord Muruga took his avatara on Earth. The Karthigai is of great importance to Lord Muruga as He symblolizes light, knowledge and beauty. In fact Lord Muruga has another name, Karthigeyan - which denotes the Karthigai festival.
No Hindu Festival is complete without a lighted lamp, but for Karthigai Deepam it is indispensable.The moment you think of Karthigai Deepam, you get a mental picture of a row of agal vilakkus - those little earthen lamp containig ghee or oil to fuel up the energy at the whick, which gives you a bright and steady glow to the lights. The lamps are so arranged near the doors and windows and in the balconies that they give you a warm welcome during the chilly evening of Karthigai. I still remember my good old days where me and my siblings will arrange the oil lamps on the wooden fence and at the entrance of the house for three continueous days. The number of Karthigai lamps arranged will be usually an odd one such as nine or eleven.
This lighted lamp is considered as an auspicious symbol and it is believed to ward off evil forces and bring forth prosperity and joy. By lighting these lamps, you annihilate the three impurities of egoism, selfishness and delusion, burn away from the mind the thoughts of senses and the desires in the fire of Knowledge of the Self. Beholding the light of lights, you illumine your mind, intellect, the sun, the moon, the stars, the lightning and ultimately the fire. This is real Kartigai Deepam.
Wish all the Hindus a Happy Karthigai. May light prevails over darkness. Wherever you are, stay safe, take care well and have a great weekend ahead. God bless!

The police have started with crackdowns earlier than expected. May be, they have learned their lessons from previous experience few weeks ago. Numerous roadblocks have been erected around the city as early as Thursday to prevent rally participants from entering Kuala Lumpur. Furthermore, one of the Hindraf volunteer, Thanitheran was arrested and detained unlawfully by the police yesterday for taking picture of police roadblocks. Despites the police threats and warnings from MIC President, the rally has started to gain over helming support via fast spreading SMS messages and forums organized by Hindraf throughout the nation for the past two months. In addition, Hindu American Foundation (HAF) has urged Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan to allow the Hindraf gathering to proceed on Sunday.
However, the police have said a big NO. MIC has warned the Indians repeatedly. But, Hindraf has double confirmed that the rally will go on as planned regardless of any obstacles and warnings. Just to clear the air, the rally has not been given a police permit yet. If you have plans to attend the mass gathering this Sunday, make sure you have a look at the provided guidelines beforehand in order to make the rally a successful one. Get yourself familiar with the location and try to use public transport if possible as a large number of police blocks are expected in order to hack the gathering. I am well aware that Indians are very sensitive and highly emotional that it can be used as weak point to provoke the crowd to create discomfort. So, make sure you do not get provoked by the police force as it can ruin the motive of the rally. Always listen to your heart, but follow your mind. Bear in it that you are there NOT to demonstrate or protest but only to lend your support and witness the handing of memorandum. Listen to the instruction and orders from the officials and behave yourselves from being street hooligans. Take note that you are going to reflect the entire Indian community and your ways are going to paint Malaysia's image on international medias.
Malaysiakini reported today that Giant marketing director Ho Mun Hao has denied Sashindran’s account of the incident when contacted for further details. He claimed that the CCTV recording at the outlet “clearly showed” that the technician was attempting to shoplift the items. “If he wants to bring it to court, so be it. We have evidence that he did steal those items. He is cornered and (that is why) he is trying to turn the matter into a race issue now,” he said.
Original Posting:
sekuriti makan padi! Harapkan polis, polis pun makan padi! That is the exact scenario on how our security and police officers behaved in the recent incident involving a Giant Hypermarket customer at Seksyen 13, Shah Alam.
...Sejurus selepas itu, saya yang merupakan seorang penganut hindu yag memakai symbol keagamaan saya “ kum kum “ di dahi saya dan rantai yang ada wajah gambar tuhan (Krishna ). Pegawai itu terus memukul saya dan paksa saya untuk duduk dibawah dan seterusnya memadamkan “kum kum “ yang merupakan kesucian agama saya serta mencabut rantai keagamaaan saya daripada saya dan lalu dicampak dalam bilik tersebut. Selepas itu, pegawai sekuriti itu ambil gambar tuhan Krishna saya yang berada dalam bentuk “pendant “ dan meletakkan semula di atas dahi saya dan beritahu perkara berikut sebelum dia menendang saya dibahagian belakang, “ Sekarang kamu nampak macam syaitan “...
Semasa berada dalam kereta peronda, salah seorang polis memaki saya seperti berikut, “ India keling you apa 08 punya orangkah “, “ Saya boleh lepaskan awak dan tembak dan membuang dimana-mana sahaja".They have further threatened to murder him if he is not willing to sign the confession and he had no choice but to sign the paper. After three hours being in the police station, he was allowed to call his father to bail him out. His hand phone and wallet were given back to him but his porch containing RM150, Castrol Multipurpose tool, Pen drive and Proskit Precision Tool went missing.
Kemudian dia mengambil ID pekerja saya dari dompet saya dan campakkan keluar dari kereta. “You India keling pasti masuk lokap, kamu akan hilang kerja, tak payah ada ID, Ini negara Islam, apasal you ada sini, kalau mau curi balik India “ Mereka juga mengambil selipar saya dan diikat dengan tali dan menggantungkannya di leher saya dan beritahu sekali lagi berikut. “ Kamu sekarang macam anak syaitan, selapes itu dipukul sekali lagi dan dimarahi lagi “ keling, bodoh ………. “

About 200 people gathered outside the Giant hypermarket Seksyen 13, Shah Alam yesterday to protest the assault on the 22-year-old man by two security guards on Friday. Members form NGO and protestors have been promised by the management to investigate their claims. People have been pressuring Giant Hypermarket authorities to take serious action against the security guards and to sack them immediately.
You may want to voice out your dissatisfaction as well! Email them to or call them to show that we Bangsa Malaysia do not tolerate racism, discrimination and humiliation on any religion.
GCH Retail (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Lot 2, Persiaran Sukan, Seksyen 13, 40100 Shah Alam.
Tel: 03 - 5544 8888 (Head Office)
03 - 56358056 (Training and Development)
Fax: 03 - 5511 9663 (Human Resource)
03 - 56325255 (Training and Development)
03 - 5544 8646 (Marketing)
"Who are you?" the burglar asks.
"Moses," the bird replied.
"Who the heck would name a bird Moses?" the man laughed.
"I dunno," Moses answered," I guess the same kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus."
- Noelle Touart -

The top 100 sees the number of Asian universities increase to 13 compared to 12 on 2006. At the forefront of Asian universities are the University of Tokyo and the University of Hong Kong at 17th and 18th place respectively. Two Singapore universities managed to remain in the top 100 list - National University of Singapore (NUS) was ranked 33 and Nanyang Techological University (NTU) was at 69.
Universities of UK and US are still dominating the top 10 positions. Harvard University reigns as top dog in the world university in the top 50 ranking. Oxford and Yale retain the top four positions for the second year. University College London and Chicago join the top 10 for the first time. Cape Town at 200 is first ever African institution in the Rankings.
Perhaps you may want to check out HERE for the list of top 200 universities in the world for the year 2007.
Got ready and was checking the online newspapers when one of my housemates came to my room and said,"Come, let's go lunch". I nodded saying an okay and soon there were three of us driving out of campus to the mamak 6 km away from here - yes, the nearest mamak is 6 km away :(
Right at the entrance next to the guardhouse checkpoint, a Mak guard stopped us and waved at three of us sitting inside the car. We stopped immediately and wind down the windows, thinking of she's goin to wish us for Deepavali.
She came nearer and asked us, "wei, korang ni sume tak balik raya ke?" I answered, "tak de lah.. banyak keje.. lagipun rumah jauh gile nak balik. So, kite raya kat sini je lah !" and smiled at her. She replied, "Aduhai.. dah raya ni, balik lah.. Rugi je mak korang lahirkan ngkau sume".
Hahaha lolz.. :D Well.. that was a reply I never really expected to come out from her mouth. All of us looked at each others face and just drove away from there laughing our heads off.
It will take two whole days for me to travel back and forth from here to Johor Bahru. So, it's not worth going back home this year as it's my study week and I have tons of things to cover before my examinations on Monday. So, I am not taking a break for this year's Deepavali. Next year would be a merrier celebration as I won't be stuck in this campus anymore. :D
Anyway, wish you a Happy Deepavali ! Have lotsa fun and enjoy yourselves. And guess what, someone is bringing me murukku all the way from Seremban :P Thank you!
Dunes of vapors from crackers rise,
Engulf, as odorous airs resound
Effusing joys to all abound
Pearls of gleams in these autumn nights
Adorn our lives else trite
With sparklers that motley skies
As soaring spirits of powder wander
Let us thank the heavenly might,
In this festive season of lights.
Wish all of you a Happy Deepavali.
May this festival of lights brings the flicker of hope and success to all of us!
வலைப்பூ நண்பர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த தித்திக்கும் தீப திருநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துகள்!
One thing I really look forward during festive season in Malaysia is advertisements. They always carry unique messages closely related to the spirit of muhibah and multi racial integrity. And, looking at previous episodes, PETRONAS has always been the champion in delivering their messages via advertisements. Their advertisements deliver moral values and often leave a great impact on people. Their ad for Deepavali a few years back is still one of my favorites till today.
This year they have come out with another inspiring advertisements based on a true story featuring Thavasothy, a 55-year-old History teacher, believes that failure is never an obstacle in life but a stepping-stone to success. Themed the wisdom, strength, and courage to succeed are within you, the commercial is based on Thavasothy’s life as someone who has always determined to live a normal and respectable life without any special treatment.
“There is always a light within us to overcome challenges and I hope people, by watching the commercial will be inspired and have the determination to succeed in everything they do,” said Thavasothy, who was born blind and is a father of two. M.Thavasothy who is visually-impaired has determined to inspire Malaysians through the latest PETRONAS Deepavali television commercial. Check it out!
MIC President, Dato' Seri Samy Vellu has issued a media statement today at 5pm retracting and withdrawing the statement he made earlier that MIC will be boycotting Deepavali Open houses. Many people are disappointed with the withdrawal as the recent move by the government to demolish temples and to hold the UMNO annual general meeting on Deepavali day has hurt the feeling of Indians in Malaysia.
Original Posting:
MIC has finally come forward and voiced out on UMNO's constant downplay towards the minority Indians and Hindus in this country. Malaysiakini repoted today that MIC president S Samy Vellu has banned all Deepavali events by the party’s elected representatives as a mark of protest against the demolition of a 100-year-old temple in Shah Alam last week.
The ban would involve the party’s seven members of parliament - including one full minister, three deputy ministers and three parliamentary secretaries - and all 19 state assemblypersons. Seven of the 19 state representatives are also Exco members in various states. In a statement which was released to the media today, Samy Vellu said his own open house - an annual event - has also been cancelled.
Besides that, the fact that Umno will be holding its annual general meeting during Deepavali was also a slap in the face for MIC, resulting in Samy Vellu deciding to just cancel any festivity celebrations by the party. The act of UMNO simply shows that they don't care for the sensitivity and importance of fellow Malaysians.
"Mr. Haroldson, your records and your heroic behavior indicate that you're ready to go home. I'm only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself with a rope around the neck."
"Oh, he didn't kill himself," Mr. Haroldson replied.
"I hung him up to dry."
A few months back, my power supply blasted. I had to buy a new one and that was my third power supply unit in less than two years. Thank you to the routine blackouts in my campus.
Then it was my hard disk that spoiled. Just before my semester starts, three months ago! All my mp3 collections and valuable data gone in the wind, just like that. Nothing could be retrieved. I had to buy a new hard disk - 160GB SATA 2, and reimaged my PC all over again. Also bought a DVD burner to back up my data as I don't want to lose any of them - Lesson learned the hard way.
After 2 power supplies and a hard disk made some holes in my pocket, yesterday my graphic card started to give problems. It was showing some symptoms of craziness recently and yesterday it just decided to commit suicide. So, I had no display for a day and almost went crazy. Of course no one wants things like this to happen when exam is just around the corner, right? So, today went and to buy an AGP FX5500 graphic card and a Creative 5.1 sound card as well.
I hope that will be the full stop that marks the end of list. I don’t want to folk out anymore cash to flush away all the shits happening to my PC.
Total Damage :
Power Supply Unit 1 : RM 180
Power Supply Unit 2 : RM 150
Hard Disk 160GB : RM 199
Graphic Card : RM 130
Sound Card : RM 65
DVD Burner : RM 120
Cost of Damages - ( lost of datas + travelling expenses + time wasted ) = RM 844. Damn!

Step 1: Shut down the computer immediately.
Step 2: Wipe up any liquid. Tilt the computer to the side to drain any liquids.
Step 3: Remove any removable parts from the laptop - including the power cord, printer and mouse cables, the floppy drive, DVD drive, modem cards and battery. Do not disassemble the laptop body to remove internal parts.
Step 4: Once the parts are removed, gently lift the laptop and turn it to the side and upside down to drain any liquid. Tilt the laptop in various of directions to verify that there are no pools of liquid lurking, but be careful not to shake it or handle it roughly.
Step 5: Repeat with floppy drive and other removal parts.
Step 6: Use a hair dryer on a cool setting to dry the laptop and its parts if you can.
Step 7: Allow the computer and its removal parts to dry for 24 hours (or at least 2 hours) before you resemble and turn it back on.
Step 8: If the computer does not work properly or does not even turn on, don't try to act smart! Bring it to a computer repair professional.
Yesterday, 23rd of October, was my 23rd birthday.
I thank my family and friends who well wished me and my buddies who organised a suprise birthday party. Sharing some of the photos here.
Early preparations. Guess what's in the pail ?!?
The birthday cake. Can you see a red Ferrari parked on the cake? Thanks a lot to Yoga and Rin for that.
Four candles and one lighter make a 23. lolz. Thnx to Yogz for holding it!
With rest of the jokers.
Here's the grand closing. And.. Did u managed to figure out what was in the pail? Actually, there's more inside than what meet the eyes!
Muchas gracias, thank you everyone!

The Genting Group founder was third richest in the country with a net worth of US$4.3bil (RM14.6bil). The tycoon, who turned 90 in April this year, was renowned for his vision in transforming Genting as Malaysia’s leading multinational corporation and one of Asia’s best-managed companies. He left behind his wife Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, and their six children and 19 grandchildren.
May his soul rest in peace!
"Once the goals have been clearly defined, with the greatest amount of determination and hard work, one can conclusively realise one's goals." - Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong
There are 2 women getting ready to leave for work. The brunette gets in the driver's seat and the blond gets in the passenger's seat. The brunette says, "We're late, so you watch out the back window for cops."
As she speeds down the road she asks the blond,
"So, do you see any cops?" The blond replies, "Yes."
The brunette says, "Are they behind us?" "Yes."
"Are they close?" "Yes."
"Are they going to stop us?" "I don't know."
The brunette says, "Well, are their lights on?"
The blond replies, "Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No."
For those who are going on a balik kampung trip, remember to stay alert and be extra careful on roads as it's better to be late than never. Make sure you take all the protective measures in ensuring the safety of your home while you are away celebrating Hari Raya. Have lots of fun enjoying your holidays, take care well and wish you a great weekend ahead.

The newly formed MIUP was approved by the government on Sept 14. Dato' Nalla announced that he will be the party president and he has identified a team of capable leaders who will help him to run the racially charged political party. He made it clear in a recent press conference that the primary aim of the party will be to 'bring up' the Indian community which is lagging in economic, political and social development. He also vowed to uplift the standard of living of rural Indians and to help socially problematic Indian youths like those involved in gangsterism. Malaysiakini has reported that the party which has 100 members for now has planned to gather 3,000 to 4,000 members by next month and at least 20,000 new members in three to four months time.
Being the minority community in Malaysia, Indians now have more than enough political parties to cater their needs - MIC, IPF, PPP and now MIUP has joined the club. Of course, the more the merrier! But, will MIUP play a better role compared to the other political parties in projecting the voice of the minority Indians and to uplift their living standard to a better height? It might be too early to decide now. We shall wait some time to see what MIUP has in its mind for the Malaysian Indians and how well can they execute their plans as promised.
Today, Dato' Nalla gave a 10 minutes interview for Bolehland explaining his motive of coming up with a political party. The interview was conducted mainly in Tamil and a little bit of English here and there. He answered some of the questions raised by the readers and commented on several issues related to the party. He further expressed his happiness that his few days old party has started to reach the people and has become a word of mouth in some areas. Commenting for Bolehland, he stressed that he'll be explaining on the party's plans and objective in detail during its official launch next month.
The fully translated transcrip of the interview is yet to be ready. Keep an eye on Bolehland for more updates. Meanwhile, you may download the audio clip of the interview with Dato’ Nalla HERE.
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- Hindraf Rally : International spillover
- Hindraf Rally spillover
- HINDRAF Rally : More in pictures & news
- The world looked down as people stood tall
- MIUP : New political pary launched
- Hindraf Rally : Al-Jazeera Live coverage
- Karthigai, where light prevails over darkness.
- HINDRAF Rally : Are you ready?
- Harapkan sekuriti...
- LOL Mondays 9
- Exam
- Malaysian Universities on a sliding slope.
- I regret winding down my window on Deepavali
- Happy Deepavali
- Petronas Deepavali Ad
- Boycott on Deepavali open houses
- LOL Mondays 8
- R.I.P : Graphic Card, HD & PSU